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First Nations Education Project Report

Published on 21 Aug 2024

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Listening and Learning report

We’re excited to share the recent publication of the First Nations Education Project on the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) website. This comprehensive report addresses the critical challenges faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people, and their families in the education system. These challenges—rooted in historical and systemic inequities—continue to hinder their academic success and overall well-being.

JTA is proud to have played a key role in this project by assisting in the collection of vital data that informed the report’s findings. Despite ongoing efforts to close the educational gap, First Nations children in Queensland still experience lower school attendance, completion rates, and poorer academic outcomes compared to their non-Indigenous peers.

Read the full report: Listening and Learning report

The report emphasises the need for a holistic and culturally responsive approach that respects and integrates First Nations knowledge and practices within the educational framework. At JTA, we are committed to supporting initiatives that promote educational equity and ensure a brighter future for all First Nations children in Queensland.

You can read the full report on the QFCC website.


Johnathan Thurston Academy pays the deepest respect to the Traditional Custodians of Country across Australia. We acknowledge and thank our Elders who demonstrated over 60,000 years of sustainable Indigenous business and ask them to guide us back on track to a more prosperous and purposeful future.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have passed away.