Big shout out to Woodridge State High School, who last month hosted the JT Academy at their school to run a few of our key JTSucceed employment workshops. The day was very successful. We had so much involvement from all students and we had a great time being at the school.
What was really highlighted on the visit was just how serious the staff at Woodridge State High School are about connecting their students with careers, and they’re doing a fantastic job out there in setting up future pathways for their students. Well done to an amazing team and incredibly talented students.
Our JT Succeed Program is an intensive employment program designed after industry consultation to give young people who want to work the edge they need to gain and maintain employment. The JT Succeed Program offers a wide range of subjects to participants an importantly includes a focus on building self-confidence.
Self-confidence is something that everybody of every age, in every area can use more of. We’ve got a big bag of tips and advice, including some useful activities that participants can use and put into play on a daily basis to increase and build their confidence.
We encourage a change of mind-set. We love to empower courage with our participants and give them the self-belief to put their hand up for future employment opportunities. We’re all about encouraging our participants to build their aspirations and achieve their goals.