JTBelieve Every Day Counts – Term 3 Winners
We are excited to announce the second cohort of winning classes as part of the JTBelieve Every day counts pilot delivered in partnership with the Department...
Coomera State School Students inspired by JTAcademy visit
The JT Academy was recently invited to hold four JTBelieve workshops for Year 5 and 6 students at Coomera State School, supported by key partner...
Johnathan Thurston to visit Quilpie to deliver motivational workshops to locals
Australian rugby league legend Johnathan Thurston will bring his Johnathan Thurston Academy to Quilpie at the end of October to present a series of workshops...
JTBelieve Every Day Counts – Term 2 Winners
The Johnathan Thurston Academy is very excited to announce the first cohort of winning classes as part of the JTBelieve Every day counts pilot delivered in partnership...