Johnathan Thurston stuns students at Woodridge High with a visit – and 60 Minutes gets in on the act
A group of 180 students at Woodridge State High School recently attended an unscheduled assembly where they were hit with a triple surprise none could...

JTEmployment Zone
The Johnathan Thurston Academy is taking employment back to basics, where employment is simply about introducing good people into good jobs. The JT Academy doesn’t...

A Word from Johnathan Thurston – Managing Director, JT Academy
Wow, what a whirlwind of a few weeks it's been, not only for myself personally in the lead up to my retirement, but it’s also...

JTSucceed – Woodridge State High School
Big shout out to Woodridge State High School, who last month hosted the JT Academy at their school to run a few of our key...

Why the Johnathan Thurston Academy needs partners like CQFMS
The work being done by the Johnathan Thurston Academy to ensure youth have the chance to get on-the-job-training would simply not be possible without the...

Welcoming KLN Group as a JT Academy Supporter
We are pleased to welcome KLN, an Academy Premium Listing company, supporting our vision and providing a wide range of opportunities for young indigenous people...

Johnathan Thurston Launches National Academy
He is Australia’s most celebrated and award winning Rugby League player and Johnathan Thurston (JT) is just as well-known for his passion for helping young...